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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Aperture Kitchen: Chicken Stew with Biscuit


Because Aperture has to feed those test subjects sometimes!

1 LB chicken
1 pkg mixed vegetables
2-3 chicken boullion cubes
1 tbs white wine
1/2 tsp minced garlic
1/2 tsp worchestershire sauce
pepper and salt to taste
3 cups water
2tbs unsalted butter
2 tbs olive oil
1 small onion diced
1/2 tsp rubbed sage
3 tbs flour

"A" is for APERTURE
Over medium heat add the oil and butter. Melt the butter and saute the onion and garlic.
Add the chicken and brown, make sure it cooks all the way through.
Add the boullion and sage.
Add the vegetables and flour. Mix well.
Then add the rest of the ingredients.
Stir occasionally and bring to a boil.
Then simmer for about 30 minutes.
Then done! Serve Enjoy!
For the Biscuits:
Preheat to 450 degrees
2 C flour
1 tbs bakingpowder
2 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 C shorteinging
2/3 C milk or buttermilk
Mix dry ingredients together. Then add the shortening and mix well. Mix to the point it looks like coarse crumbs. Then add your milk. Mix til it combines. Then on a lightly floured surface knead the dough lightly. Then pat it down until it's 1/4 inched thick and cut them out. I used a cup.
Then on a baking sheet that's been sprayed with nonstick spray bake them for 10 minutes or until lightly golden brown : ) yummy
Next recipe for Aperture kitchen contains potatoes because Glados hates them
Bird and Potato carnage for all!
Hope you enjoy : )

Aperture Kitchen

Hi Everyone!

My friend introduced me to Portal and well....I became addicted.
Plus to make it even more entertaining my friend likes the fact that I share the same name with Glados. Yes that's right people I'm a Caroline. Exact spelling and pronunciation. Maybe...that means I shouldn't play with science or computers....

So I got to thinking what if Glados was like me and liked to cook when she was a human?
I mean cooking is sort of like edible chemistry. That and in Portal she has a cake recipe on some of the computers.

So what do you get when you mix nerdery with cooking?

That's right

Glados's Kitchen


Because lets face it they had to feed their test subjects....occasionally...right?

First one coming up is Chicken stew with biscuit

Because Glados I would like to think after Portal 2 has a new found hatred for birds and potatoes

Youtube video coming soon!
Because everything is better with pictures : )

TV Blanket Completed

Hi Everyone!

As promised here's the finished product from the stitch n' bitch crochet book
I gave it to my friend for her birthday

Sasha was sad to see it go

Left side is what the front looks like and to the right is the back
This blanket was pretty huge and almost fit a full sized bed
It was done in RedHeart brand yarn
All in all this was a fun pattern
To connect the squares I did not sew them together they're held together with grey yarn in single crochet : )

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

BEWARE! Pet Shopper Scams!

Hi Everyone!

This is a topic of extreme importance!

I want to protect everyone from being scammed no matter what the subject.

But today’s subject is pet scams.

You know you want to get a little puppy for the family or maybe a kitty.

And there's people out there waiting to scam you of your money. They don't care about you and they don't care that you lose your money.

You'd think people this smart would go out and get a real job but no.

Now here's the scoop I was almost scammed recently and I prevented it.

I'm currently unemployed I lost my job at the bank due to reasons I could not control.

I can't waste my money away I'm on unemployment. That mostly goes off to pay the bills I racked up while being employed and to paying off my school bills.

I had some small amount of money on the side I was hoping to get my two dogs a little sister.

A few hundred that's good to look through the paper and online I thought.

So I looked I found a dog site where you post your animals.

The site said the seller was from Greensburg PA not very far from where I live, not a very long drive.

So I thought what the heck I'll give it a shot.

Here's where it got iffy.

I emailed the person yesterday literally Monday night at about 12:30 am aka it's already today (Tuesday) I get an email from them around 3am asking me questions on why I'd like to have the dog and they were looking for a good home and just needed me to pay adoption and shipping fees. I answer thinking maybe they're an extreme night owl like me, trying to be optimistic.

She said her and her husband just got transfered because they worked for the aidsfoundation. And since they were so busy they couldn't give her two puppies the attention they truly deserved. Plus she sent photos of them.
RED FLAG. But I tried to think positive I didn't want to be negative right off that bat.

Well I get another email at an ungodly hour. So I start to think "...this is iffy"

I get informed they had just moved to Kent, Washington.

The woman was highly insistent on shipping her puppy that day due to it being her supposed day off.

She told me she had inquired on shipping prices earlier on how much it would take to ship a dog through the US and it was $240 or $250 if I wanted the dog delivered to my house. And that the airport was 40 minutes from her house.

I had already given her my name, my home address, my cell number, and she had my email address

Well that just sent alarms in my head.


Play connect the dots!

If the ad says it' in Greensburg

Then they say they're now in Kent when the ad was posted about one month ago from Greensburg

AND the dog will ship almost one hour away supposedly from another location


Out of curiosity I look up the place they were to ship the dog from a US Shipping Line

This company is NON EXISTANT

The woman literally waited about an hour then kept contacting me saying she registered the puppy and the company was NOT calling me but emailing me confirmation and telling me how to pay for the shipping fees.

Might I add this woman would not call my phone to speak to me she kept using mobile yahoo messenger

Also when I asked for a phone number to contact her with the number she gave the area code was (330)

330 is the area code for AKRON OHIO

How did I know this? I know this because my best friend when I met her was from Akron Ohio and that's the area code for her cell phone.

I tried to make polite conversation and said "oh I see you used to live in Akron Ohio, my friend is from there and that's her area code, it's nice there isn't it" well that set the woman off and she told me I was upsetting her and kept asking me what this was about and why I didn't trust her.

I merely said I was just trying to make small talk.

After a while I get the email from the shipping line company.

The title comes from a NATION WIDE PET DEPARTMENT

The email looked very fake. Pictures were not clear at all it looked like they were copied and pasted and made to look larger. The pictures in general were fuzzy which if you are a real certified company you would not have your emails or sites look like that at all. And they requested prompt payment from your debit/credit card or only money order.

If it was a reputable shipping company they would give you far more options. Such as billing you.

Also before I received the email from this supposed company I called the two airports near me and asked them if they dealt with this company I was told they never heard of it. Another red flag people!

I called Pittsburgh International Airport and the woman I spoke with informed me that the animal that would be shipped would only come from an airline. Not some shipping company. Once again another red flag.

I clicked on the website provided. It was a locked domain. And it stated it was a personal website. Not a business or a corporate, it was personal. So within that time the woman from my opinion had set up this domain in the hour she waited to contact me again. Plus I had my best friend call the number provided, it was a nonfunctioning unlisted number.

I told the woman the email did not work and the site did not work.

My last message from her was "How can you say that???"

I apologized saying I could not take the dog apologized for wasting her time and her day off and said I hoped she would find a good home for the puppy

I'm so glad I got away safely with my money still in my pockets.

I just have to hope they don't do anything with my name, home address, cell number or email.

But then again if someone wants your information darn it there's just nothing that will stop them.

I'll have to keep checking my files to make sure nothing was touched.

The sites given were


Nationwide Pet Department

Nationwide Pets delivery

From personal experience I have NOT seen a company have a Gmail account so once again this shows how fake this transaction is.

Please everyone connect the dots when purchasing online.

Even when doing online job submittals like I am.

Think of it this way


It means back away it's faker than a woman's breast implants!....pardon my comparison....I'm just rather angry I got that far in being scammed.

I want to warn you

Please purchase your pets at reputable shelter you can physically walk into or at a pet store you can physically walk into.

Do not deal with pet sellers online learn from my experience

Also this goes for jobs if they tell you you'll work from home.

That they'll send you a pay in advance and they want you to send some back or something like that.

It's fake it's too good to be true and in the end you're out a lot of money

Because one the transfer is fraudulent and the bank will take it out, the money you send back in transfer is instantly gone and you can NEVER get it back, and whatever you spend out of that fake money you will owe back to the bank because it was money that you never had in the first place.

I saw this too many times at the bank.

Please protect yourselves.

I'm just so happy I didn't send them anything.

Please listen to my warning

Thank you for your time.

And thank you for listening to my warning slash rant.

Please protect yourselves

....I know I'm a broken record.