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Monday, July 4, 2011

Couve (Collard Greens)

So I'm back and It's the fourth of July! HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!!! ^___^

I'm posting up my recipe for Couve, or Collard Greens in English. This recipe is very popular in Brazil and I always ask my grandma to make it for me when I visit. Because I admit it no matter how hard I try and I feel like it's this way for many people, no matter how hard you try it's just NEVER as good as your grandma's.

So here's the list of ingredients:

1 garlic clove diced
Collard Greens, about 6 leaves (large, more if they're small)
1-2 TBS olive oil
salt to taste

Trust me this is VERY easy and it goes well with white rice, and lets not forget it's CHEAP...good for those like me who are trying to save a buck ^^;

Wash your collard greens and cut the stem off. Even make sure to remove the stem part from the middle part of the leaf because it'll get chewy. Then stack the leaves ontop of each other and roll them as tightly as possible. With a sharp knife slice the rolled collards as thinly as possible.

 Take your garlic clove now and dice : )

When that's all done take a pan and heat it up. Add the olive oil and let the oil heat up a bit. When it's heated add the garlic and sautee for about five seconds, garlic cooks way too fast. With that add the collards and stir. Keep stirring them and watch as they start to wilt. When they're all wilted, mind you not burnt just wilted, they're done : ) Add salt to taste.

Hope you try it out : ) For a more step by step check out my youtube video.

More coming soon!

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