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Monday, July 16, 2012

Receita de Bolo Prestigio/Recipe for Prestigio Cake (Mounds Cake)

Hi Everyone!

Come summer time I become a baking fool! It just seems every month is someone's birthday. June for my mom, July for me, August for my dad.
For my mom's birthday I made Bolo Prestigio.

Now Prestigio is a candy bar from Brasil.

The best way to describe it is that it's like a Mounds bar….but far better. It's milk chocolate with a creamy and flakey coconut filled center. I apologize to America but when it comes time for this poor Halfling of an American Brasilian to choose between which country has the best food I will always say Brasil, and they just beat us at chocolate.Just seeing a picture of it makes my mouth water
If only ordering from the Brasilian stores in the USA didn't cost an arm and a leg to ship things -___-;

Now you might be wondering how you get a cake to taste like prestigio or a mounds bar. Simple.
You search the net for the recipe and take an eternity to decide which one is the best one.
I'm not dissing my fellow bakers out there, your pictures and descriptions were marvelous. I just couldn't help going with the one recipe I knew to be fool proof.
Nestle has their own site on the web dedicated to their Brasilian recipes. And when I found the recipe for this cake there I was ecstatic.
Here's what mine looked like. Granted there are probably far prettier ways to decorate it.

It's topped with coconut flakes and 2 mounds bars.

 Here's the inside of the cake, tempting isn't it

I loved every bite of this cake.
Now before the recipe a small lesson on Brasilian cakes.
From my understanding of these beautiful delicacies is that they're not at all like the kind we find in America.
America we have them super soft and moist and topped with a thick layer of butter cream icing. Tasty yes but I've really never seen one during my visits to Brasil.
Brasil tends to take a more French look to their cakes. Some are a bit more dense while some are still airy and light. It's just a different experience and you just got to try it out.
Now I'm translating this as best as I can from its Portuguese original. I made a few changes to how it's prepared which I say improves the texture of the cake.
The cake as you can see has multiple layers. The cream, the cake and the topping.
Original link:


  • meia xícara (chá) de manteiga ½ cup of unsalted butter at room temperature
  • 1 xícara e meia (chá) de açúcar 1 ½ cups of sugar
  • 6 ovos 6 eggs at room temperature
  • meia xícara (chá) de leite ½ cup of milk
  • 1 xícara e meia (chá) de farinha de trigo 1 cup of flour
  • 1 xícara (chá) de Chocolate em Pó DOIS FRADES® 1 cup of chocolate powder (brand of your choice) or 7-9 oz of good semi sweet baking chocolate (I used lindt)
  • meia colher (sopa) de fermento químico em pó ½ tbs of baking powder
  • manteiga para untar butter to spread on your baking pan
  • farinha de trigo para polvilhar flour to dust and coat your baking pan
  • 3 claras 3 egg whites
  • meia xícara (chá) de açúcar ½ cup sugar
  • 1 lata de Creme de Leite NESTLÉ® 1 can of creme de leite Nestle (this can be found in the hispanic section of your grocery store, also titled Media Crema)
  • 2 xícaras (chá) de coco em flocos seco 2 cups coconut flakes

  • 1 lata de Creme de Leite NESTLÉ® 1 can creme de leite nestle
  • 1 tablete de NESTLÉ CLASSIC® Meio Amargo picado 1 bittersweet baking bar or even better the kind you buy to eat by itself : ) I'm a major fan of lindt
What you need to build it/Montagem
  • meia xícara (chá) de leite ½ cup of milk
  • 2 colheres (sopa) de leite de coco 2 tbs of coconut milk
  • coco ralado para decorar coconut flakes to decorate
  • raspas de chocolate para decorar grated chocolate to decorate (optional) can also use a mounds or prestigio bar to put in the center of it
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Ferenheit
In a large mixing bowl mix your butter and sugar until combined and creamy. Seperate your egg yolks and whites. Add the yolks to the butter mixture and mix them in until blended. Do this one yolk at a time.
Slowly mix in the flour and your chocolate. If your using the powdered chocoalte feel free to mix it in with the flour. If using a chocolate bar please melt it gently in a double boiler (aka the two pots you use at once, the bottom filled with hot water and the top pot ontop of that one melting your chocoalte).
Mix in your milk and baking powder.
At this time take a mixer and beat your eggwhites into stiff peaks. Once that is done gently fold them into the batter.
Using a round baking pan (a large one, not one of those small 8 inch ones where you have to use two). Butter and lightly flour the pan. Add your batter.
Gently drop it onto your table and spin it do this about two times. It will help get the bubbles out of it.
Bake this for about 30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.
After that's done let it cool completely.
Now work on your cream:
Once again using your double boiler or a the lowest flame setting on your stove in a pot, mix the egg whites and the sugar over a very low heat for about 3 minutes. DO NOT let it boil or simmer. This is just quickly tempering the egg and help it get the consistency you want. After the three minutes are up quickly transwer it to a mixing bowl. Using a mixer turn the eggs into stiff peaks. Then gently mix in the creme de leite and the coconut flakes.
Cover it with plastic wrap and refridgerate until you're going to use it.
This is honestly the easiest part of the cake! It's pretty much a simple ganache. In your double boiler gently melt your chocolate bar. Remove from the heat and mix in the creme de leite. Blend completely and leave to cool.

Putting the cake together:
Carefully cut your cake into three sections.
Place the bottom part down and gently spread the cream onto it. Then put on the second layer. This is where you use the milk and coconut milk. Gently mix those together. With a toothpick poke little holes into the second layer of cake. Then gently drizzle some of the milk and coconut milk mixture onto the cake layer. Then cover with cream. Put on the final cake layer and cover with the ganache. Decorate with coconut/chocolate flakes. Some people just cover it with chocoalte sprinkles like a brigadeiro cake (recipe coming soon!).
Let the cake chill until you plan to serve it. I say chill it just because I think it makes the flavors better but trust me you don't have to wait to eat it ^_^
I hope you give this recipe a try.
Please let me know what you think of it or even send me pictures of your own bolo prestigios
Have a great week everyone!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Heat Wave: Ideas for Kids and Pets

Hi everyone

In this month of July I just want to remind everyone to stay cool.
It's painfully hot out watch out for your pets it's sad to see on the news animals dying because their owners neglected them in the hot sun without water. Remember if you can keep them inside and always make sure they have water and an area in the shade to rest in. I mean seriously how would you feel if someone tied or locked you up in this heat without water? It wouldn't be fun!

Ideas for your pet pals:

Keep them in the shade

Check them at least once every hour to see how they’re doing.

Give them water, make it even better put some ice in it. You enjoy it so do they.

Also this may sound silly but it makes my dogs so happy. Give them a bath. A nice cooling bath makes them so happy.


Ideas for your little ones:

If you can keep your younger kids inside do so please

Lots of hydration and no I don't mean juice or sodas. Water is the best drink of choice.

I'm personally not a fan of giving kids things like Gatorade...empty calories, bad for their teeth
If your kid does sports there are waters that contain electrolytes just like Gatorade and it won’t' leave your kid thirsty (Any sugary drink never truly quenches your thirst, water is the best thing) One I like very much is Smart Water No calories, just good water with electrolytes : )

If you have a pool or can get access to one, go to it and enjoy it. Water activities are more appropriate for the types of temperatures we've been having. We don't need anyone keeling over.

Sun block! Children need it and they'll thank you in the future. You're not just protecting them from skin issues like cancer but also from premature aging. Let’s face it your little girls when they're my age will be happy you did this! I know I'm thankful to my mom.

Keep them cool give them an icy treat:
Ice-cream is nice and so are popsicles
This is where you can give them their juice fix!
Actually any drink can be done like this

So apple juice, grape juice, iced tea, lemonade

All can be made into homemade popsicles plus it's easy to make and you know what you'll be giving your kids, no funky neon food coloring there!

I hope you use some of my ideas and let your little ones and your pets have a fun and safe summer : )

Craft Treasures at Auctions

Hi Everyone!

I just wanted to share with you something that I personally love to do. I love going to auctions. Someone else's stuff can become your new found treasure ^.^ Examples I replaced my family's dishes from auction purchases. About two weeks ago I went to an auction and the prices were fantastic. I literally got 4 boxes of dishes each box being a buck a piece. I basically ended up with two brand new sets. One being a brand called GibsonUSA and a set of plain white Corelle dishes. It was wonderful.
Depending on the style of dishware or cooking utensils and on how your auctioneer handles his work, you could be walking off with some great stuff and all dirt cheap. The only ones I see going for insane prices are cast iron skillets and pots depending on their condition but still worth trying to buy. Also different sets of cookware that are much older like the 40's and 50's and earlier where they were really well crafted pieces.

Example I bought an electric waffle maker for $3 at the same auction I got my dishes, now I used to have a brand new one from Wal-Mart but it was terrible the pieces didn't come out for you to clean them so I was stuck making pathetic attempts at cleaning an electrical appliance then being terrified to plug it in the next time.
The model I got at the auction is older, made out of full metal and only rubbery/plastic handles. It also has one of those neat old time cords. BUT the best part of it is that the iron is detachable by screw. Meaning I can actually wash it and not worry about getting the entire machine wet. Yay for not having to fear electrocution as much!

Now a fun and exciting tip for my fellow crafters!
Did you know you can get craft supplies at an auction???
When I realized this it was the best day ever.
Some auctions are from older couples who are either moving away, moving into a home, or sadly they have passed away. While this can be very sad you can personally make sure their love of crafting goes on. Let them see your excitement over their collection of old buttons and fabric. It might spark some conversation on some of their old projects, share ideas. A crafter is always a crafter! When I'm old decrepit and incapable of doing crafts I hope to God there will be someone young willing to ask me about my old projects and ask me about techniques. It at least lets you enjoy what you used to do and love through conversation.

 Depending on what it is your craft supplies can go at dirt cheap prices at an auction.
Collectible items or magazines can be pricey especially if there is another fellow crafter going after the same thing. I've had my dad bid for me just because he's better at it so I didn't completely lose without a fight.

Today (July 14, 2012) I went to another auction and hit the mother load. And I took some pictures to share with you all ^.^

But first here's the story of my auction today.
I got there bright and early at 8am to just see everything up for auction. Now I had my eyes on this little sewing thread holder. It's made out of wood, the top has a pin cushion attached, and it came with wooden spools....and we all know you don't really see those anymore for sale in stores. But while looking around I decided to visit the attic, the attic had EVERYTHING from books to dressers etc. But in the very corner there was some sewing and quilting supplies. It looked like a small stash and I thought it'd be fun to try and get it.

Well by the time that lot came up it was between me and another lady. The starting bid was $3 and we battled until I won at $20. Now thinking it's such a small stash I could just whisk it away no here's where the fun began. I get informed by the auctioneer I did not just bid on this small stash but the ENTIRE corner of the attic which is supposedly all sewing supplies. So I go look.

It's covered in junk. Papers and plastic bags everywhere. I did out old foam padding for cushions, so old it was unusable. I did find some nice strips of quilting pieces to play with. I've always had an urge to make a quilt and thought it'd be something fun to practice with. So I set that aside....then diving deeper into the giant pile I find more remnants of quilt pieces....which they should have pitched. I was fine I kept diving. Out of a massive pile of what I can personally call crafters leftover and unusable trash I found some good pieces.

Two bolts of old upholstery fabric. I have 2 dogs so they are so getting new pillows out of that if the fabric holds up. Good value there. Plus all the quilt pieces I could use, bags upon bags of those in blues, yellows and reds, old knitting magazines, a crochet hook NEVER out of the packaging, and crafts from what I can see being the 60's. The titles on the bags are "Gift Craft Unlimited" which is from National Handcraft from a fad of the month club. Looked like fun. There were different kits, one to make your own gilded birdcage planter, one to make a little dustbin with hand painted designs, and one for Christmas.

It took me over six trips going up three flights of stairs to get barely half of it into the van we borrowed from my aunt. I was a bit of a stinker and left the rest there since it wasn't of much use to me. I didn't need a beat up old lamp or chair.

Well when all is said and done I sit with my parents and find out my dad got me the sewing stand I wanted that I spoke of earlier. Plus they bundled it with something else! So When I get home I take a look what's in the box. I found old buttons. Which is just perfect! If you love to knit or crochet having that odd button around to decorate your work is fantastic and gives it that one of a kind feeling. I filled almost an entire organizer tray with these buttons.

All in all I'd like to say it was a great day for crafting.

Here's the pictures of what I got from my auction hunting ^__^

The previous owner kept her buttons in her old prescription bottles.
I found some as far back as the 60's and it was nice to open them.
They were so not child proof ^^;

An old wood container for sewing needles from The Boye Needle Co.

This was a misc. container which various needles mostly larger sizes and as luck would have it a small crochet hook ^.^

I'm only 25 years old and I never saw a metal portable tums container and I just think it's neat.
Plus it has sewing needles

These two came with the sewing stand.

This is a crochet hook from a brand called Marcia Lynn.
Interesting to see how much these cost back then, 29 cents!
Apparently this was on sale for 24 cents at Ames then.

I love to knit and I never get to see this type of needle in stores.
My aunt always told me about them and even showed me her own pair.
Always tried to find my own but never had any luck.
Now they're mine all mine!

I love knitting older knitting books.
The styles are still cute I don't care what popular teens say!
Plus the children’s designs are just adorable!

Here's that stand I told you about, I just love it ^.^

Here's inside one of the magazines.
Might I add that some of these patterns I have never seen in newer books.
I find them to be wonderful and should be brought back

While going through my purchases I found that the previous owner saved this little magazine clipping.
Telling young ladies how they can make their own wardrobe in about week!
Ladies do you see any knit dresses that look familiar?
Seriously find the patterns pick your favorite colors and make them!
I believe in the long run they'll be far cheaper than when you get them at the store.
Because by the time you get them on sale it's no longer fall or winter.

Here's what one of the little crafts I found looked like. They’re all neatly packaged.
Some of them have the paint with them. I assume the paint is too old and will just have to use what acrylic paints I have.
Still looks like fun.

Here are the instructions for one of the crafts this is for the gilded cage. I hope to do this one. I'm praying the supplies are still usable.

So you can see that you can get lots of neat craft supplies at an auction. In total we spent approximately $40. And the stuff I found are worth more than that. So give it a try guys!

I did and loved it!

If you do let me know how it went : )

Coming Soon!
The Nerd Blanket: Remember my last post about the TV crochet blanket?
Well I couldn't get the pieces the time I was finished I was so bound and determined to start piecing it together that I completely forgot to take a picture. I'm half way putting it together. When it's done I'll take a picture for you guys I promise : )