So yea I've been sick since saturday, March 19th...bleh. What felt like just a head cold turned out to be a sinus infection trying to turn itself into bronchitis. Sadly missed three days of work...I know it's strange to say sadly over missing work but I like my job so ya it was sad. I did pretty much nothing but hibernate and attempt to do some crochet, ya total fail on the crochet part. But I would like to give people some ideas on how to fix yourself up when you're sick.
Breathe Right strips are awesome in helping you breathe at night when you're all clogged up with mucus.
Vapor Rub is a God send
Don't be stupid, rest and sleep as much as you can.
Drink lots of fluids, although juice and sodas are great and can help make your throat feel better, water is the best way to go. Try keeping like a gallon around you all day, but to keep germs from growing in the bottle I suggest pouring the water into a cup instead of drinking directly from the jug.
Take your multi-vitamin with an extra vitamin C tablet, gotta help yourself get strong again.
Chicken soup is cliche but oh so useful, not a chicken fan? Then how about some nice alphabet soup.
You're sick but it's no excuse to be dirty. Keep taking your warm (..not scalding hot) showers, it can help lower your temperature and help kill the germs that are on you, hey you know they're there after you blew them all out of your nose or hacked them up, don't fool yourself they're there and you know it.
Learn that generic tissues are the same as kleenex or puffs, might as well save a few cents while you're sick right? Although if you like those vicks tissues from puffs get them I've yet to find a generic with that.
Try not to pass it on to the other members of the household...granted I always fail at this part, as my dad says "I know you love me but please don't share EVERYTHING"...ya sorry dad ^^;
If you have a temperature higher than 100 degrees and are just miserable seriously don't wait it out go to the doctor. Reason is you'll find out what you have, second you'll find out how to treat it, and three it'll also help you catch serious problems quickly. You don't want what seems like the simple flu to turn out to be pneumonia, no one wants hospitalized!
If dealing with sick children it's always safer to get them to the doctor as soon as you can.
I hope this helps some people. I know a lot of people know what to do when they're sick but since I got sick I thought it'd be a good idea to try and share some things : )
Also a few extra tips would be if you have a sore throat I would suggest gargling with warm water and some salt. Warm water and some vinegar is pretty good too, in my family we tend to use red wine vinegar. It helps soothe your throat and kill some of the germs : )
Ok, hope to get a recipe out this week for everyone...does anyone read this thing??